"To do" lists?

My wake-up alarm rang. "To do" lists began flooding through my mind... have to get up, get dressed, pack a lunch, make a phone call, check email, send an email, and on and on.  Have you had mornings similar to this? Ever feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and things "to do?" I needed to take a "time-out", as my son and daughter might tell me, to catch my breath, stay calm, and re-focus. At times like these I am thankful for scripture, God's divine word for us. Revelation 1:8 reminds us ""I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."" Thankfully, I shouldn't worry so often because God is with me. He will look after me help me. Ahh, exhale; be calm and carry on.  


About Larry Karpenko

Larry Karpenko is a singer/songwriter with a strong passion for spreading goodness. While songs are a great way for Larry to share stories of faith, failures, and triumph, they’re also a nice fit for his personality, “I’m a man of few words. “ Even though Larry’s inner child loves youth and young adults, he’s happy to share with any listener, kids and young-at-heart alike. With many of his songs you might find your head bobbing to upbeat, yet laidback tunes. Aside from his music, Larry is in total awe of his seven year-old daughter, Lauryn, five year-old son, Andrew, and wife Tescha.
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